Democracy is a political system in which the citizens of a country elect their representetive. The government is formed by these representetive of the people.The well-known Kot Massacre saw to the rise of the Rana regime. They ruled Nepal for approximately 104 years, before there was any hope for democracy in Nepal. The members of the Rana regime were Britain’s allies and supported their war efforts during World War I and World War 2. It took the determination of a King who was blackmailed and forced to back the Ranas, to take a stand - and he did.By the year 1950, the growing unhappiness of the Nepali people was evident, with a few anti-Rana political parties flaring up all over the country. King Tribhuvan fled to India with his family to escape the wrath of the Ranas, who were quickly losing ground. Public outrage and uproar led by King Tribhuvan soon toppled the Rana regime. The King was reinstated as the ruler of Nepal in 1951 and he set about transforming Nepal into a democratic country.Abrahm lincon,famous president of united states, has defind that democracy is the government of the people foe the people by the people.democracy is a government of the people for the people.Democracy is a government allows freedom of speech.religion and political opinion.It provides treatment of each others by citizens as equals, without social class divisions. It upholds the rules of laws and majority also respects the rights of minorities.Democracy provides many advantages to people.however, it has some demerits too.
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